More than a million women in the United States — most of them in their teens and twenties — are diagnosed with acute PID every year. PID is a bacterial infection of the upper female genital tract, including the uterus, cervix, Fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Chinese medicine treatment for PID
During the acute phase of PID, Chinese medicine is used to support the functioning of the immune system and encourage the body to heal.
Acupuncture has been shown in numerous research articles to promote immune function and reduce inflammation, it can also be useful to prevent the scarring often caused by PID.
Chinese herbal medicine assists western drug therapy in removing bacteria from the reproductive system, and can be used in the recovery phase of PID to encourage healing of the reproductive organs.
Reproductive organ massage can help to reduce scarring and blockage in the reproductive organs once the acute phase of PID is over.
Nutritional supplements and dietary modification can reduce the ability of bacteria to replicate and enhance the overall functioning of the immune system.
Causes of pelvic inflammatory disease
PID can be caused by several different bacteria; the two most important are the same bacteria that cause chlamydia and gonorrhea. These bacteria are usually transmitted through sexual intercourse with an infected partner. PID can also be caused by an intrauterine device (IUD), complication from earlier pregnancies, or infection following any reproductive tract surgery.
Symptoms of acute pelvic inflammatory disease
The usual symptoms are fever, chills, lower abdominal and pelvic pain, painful sexual intercourse, and vaginal discharge or bleeding. These symptoms often begin a few days after the start of your period, particularly when an STD is the cause of infection. Chronic PID caused by candida, chlamydia, and T-strain mycoplasma can exhibit no symptoms, or mild intermittent symptoms.
Diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease
PID is usually diagnosed by the presence of an elevated white blood cell count, a positive bacterial culture of the cervical discharge, and a physical examination. PID is commonly misdiagnosed as appendicitis, or a twisted or ruptured ovarian cyst. In these situations, laparoscopy is used, as well as the above-mentioned diagnostic tools. If you suspect you have PID, be sure to consult your doctor immediately to prevent future fertility problems.
Western treatment of PID
Treatment depends on the cause, and generally involves use of oral or intravenous antibiotic therapy. Hospitalization may be necessary in certain conditions; namely, if the patient is pregnant, immunodeficient, or has severe complications of PID. Treating partners for STIs is a very important part of treatment and prevention. Sexual partners of patients with PID should be treated with antibiotics as well to prevent reinfection.
Complications of PID:
- Scarring of the reproductive organs
- Infertility
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Scarring on the surface of the liver